Event location: Vernon PAL (Police Athletic League) indoor gym
25 Church St. Vernon, NJ 07462
Springeck is not a tournament. Overall, Springeck exists in order to craft a space within the HEMA community that is focused on earnest freeplay, cooperation, and collaboration, without the competitive nature of a tournament.
In this way, Springeck fills a niche; we recognize the need and support competitive tournaments as a functional method of learning our ancient fighting arts, but Springeck offers a training space that’s very different from the tournament ring.
Here, we discuss source material and argue interpretations, we compare notes, we fence in order to demonstrate ideas, we share drills, and we exercise vigorous free play in order to learn under intense conditions without the drive to win a prize or a tournament ranking.
Springeck is an event that recognizes that we, over time, often get used to sparring the same people in our home clubs.
We get used to hearing the same voices, the same point of view, the same take on our historical sources.
Springeck offers the potential for a myriad of new ideas, with nothing on the line but learning.
That’s Springeck.