martial arts

Torneo di Spada 2023

Torneo di Spada 2023 in Potsdam, Germany.

Springeck 2023

We’re happy to announce that Springeck 2023 will be held on Saturday, May 6th INSIDE the air conditioned gym at the Vernon PAL. Events include freeplay, challenge matches, workshops, and a prize play. Full schedule to come. We look forward to training with everyone!

Introduction to Longsword Fencing – Christchurch, New Zealand

Want to learn to sword fight? We'll be running weekly intro classes starting 12 Feb. These three sessions will cover the basics of how to fight with a longsword.


Unicorn FightClub is a series of open tournaments held over three days in central Christchurch, New Zealand - It has the format of an international HEMA competition while remaining accessible and friendly (as is the kiwi way).

ArkanWars 2023 Tournament

We're back! Last year's tournament was a great success and we anticipate 2023 to be even bigger and better! So join us for our 2023 - Annual Mixed Weapons tournament right here in the Ozarks!! We've got some new things in store for this year's event!

Skt Paddy Day HEMA Gathering 2023

Then it's time again for HEMA Hobro to invite you to HEMA, to have fun and party! The program is ready, and sign-ups are open!

Keppinautur 2023 – Charity HEMA Tournament

Keppinautur er byrjendavænt góðgerðarmót í langsverðum sem er opið öllum HEMA iðkendum / Keppinautur is a beginner friendly longsword charity tournament that is open to all HEMA practitioners.

Kings of the North 2023

On the weekend of March 4th/5th 2023 KotN will return to study the martial arts of Europe from the 18th, 19th and 20th centuries.

FightCamp 2023

FightCamp 2023 is locked into the calendar! Historical Martial Arts, with 20+ instructors, 5+ tournaments, traders, camping, bar & food.

Glasgow HEMA Open 2023

We welcome you to the fifth Glasgow HEMA Open, Scotland’s largest HEMA tournament!


It is Going to be Historical!

Southeast Arc Fencing Open 2023

There will be Longsword, Sword and Buckler, and Rapier and Dagger tournaments for all!

New Report
